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My Poems

Over the last few years I have written several poems; mostly about birth, motherhood and my daughter. Let me know if they resonate with you at all.


My scar is amazing

My stretch marks are too

They remind me of growing and welcoming you!


4 days spent in labour, at home first of all,

Then a 5th at the hospital - they expected our call.

“There’s a bed waiting for you”, came the words down the phone,

what an EPIC relief, taxi called, goodbye home.


My Mum came from Reading to be at my side,

I’ll never forget her arrival - I cried.

Her hand held in mine, the contractions still came,

I swore and I groaned - just too hard to refrain.


After FULL BLOWN contractions, he cleaned up my sick,

And pressed on my back when contractions came “quick!”

My sleep deprived husband, stayed strong all week through,

Out of his hands, what more could he do?


Wow... the spinal injection that meant I could rest,

Caesarean section turned out to be best.

You, me and Daddy did all that we could

— However you birthed them just know you did good.


Early on the 6th day you came into the world,

Little Matilda, our beautiful girl!


I’m sorry I struggled when you were first born,

I didn’t yet know that I needed to mourn,

To realise that I had to work on my healing,

Through massage, much talking, and breath work and FEELING.


Please know you can talk; of the grief and the pain,

You’re not wrong or ungrateful for feeling this way.

Well done strong Mamma, please know you’ll recover...

Birth Trauma is real, and we must help each other.

My Face

Those wrinkles and lines

Just say how many times

I have smiled or my face showed an emotion


These emotions of mine

I express and don’t hide

Can be deep, dark and blue like the ocean


But I filter them wisely

I don’t share them widely

I explore them to learn about me


If suppressed and not heard

Or poured out into words

It can become toxic you see.


You don’t need to worry, I know that you CAN.

I’m your mum, I’ll be here - if you need take my hand.


I could not ask for anything greater than you.

You’re my girl, my Matilda, rising strong, BOLD and true.


You’ve shown me your warrior spirit and GRIT!

You’re so flippin’ amazing, I love you to bits.

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